1. How to use this app?

PasteIt allows you to easily share text content between different devices. Here are the steps to use it:

  1. Log in to your account: Make sure you're logged into your account on all devices where you want to use this feature.
  2. Copying from phone to computer:
    • Copy the text you want to share on your phone.
    • Open our app and click the 'Paste' button.
    • Switch to your computer, open the app, and click the 'Copy' button.
  3. Copying from computer to phone:
    • Copy the text you want to share on your computer.
    • Click the 'Paste' button in the app on your computer.
    • Switch to your phone, open the app, and click the 'Copy' button.
    • The text will be automatically retrieved from the remote server. Click the 'Copy Content' button again to copy it to your clipboard.

2. Is my data secure? How do you protect my privacy?

We take data security and privacy very seriously. All data is encrypted during transmission using industry-standard SSL/TLS protocols. Your data is stored in secure, encrypted databases. We never share your personal information or content with third parties without your explicit consent.

3. How long is my data stored on your servers?

Your data is stored on our servers for as long as you maintain an active account. If you delete a piece of content, it's removed from our servers immediately. If you delete your account, all your data is permanently deleted within 30 days.

4. Is there a storage limit?

Free accounts have a storage limit of 100MB. Premium accounts have 10GB of storage. You can check your current storage usage in the app settings.

5. How often does the app sync?

The app syncs in real-time whenever you paste new content and you're connected to the internet. You can also manually trigger a sync by pulling down to refresh in the app.

6. What subscription plans are available?

We offer a free plan with basic features and limited storage. Our premium plan is $2.99/month or $29.99/year and includes additional features like increased storage, priority sync, and advanced sharing options.

7. How do I upgrade to the premium version?

To upgrade, go to Settings -> Subscription in the app and select the premium plan. Follow the prompts to complete the payment process.

8. How do I cancel my subscription?

To cancel your subscription, go to Settings -> Subscription -> Cancel Subscription. Your premium features will remain active until the end of your current billing cycle.

9. Why isn't my content syncing?

If your content isn't syncing, check your internet connection. If you're online and still having issues, try logging out and back in. If the problem persists, please contact our support team.

10. Can I sync images or other types of files?

Currently, PasteIt only supports text synchronization. We're considering adding support for other file types in future updates.

11. Is there a history feature?

Yes, free users can access a history of their last 10 synced items, while premium users can access the last 100 synced items. Go to Settings -> History to view and manage your sync history.

12. How do I delete synced content?

To delete synced content, swipe left on the item in the main list and tap "Delete". This will remove the content from all your synced devices.

13. Can I share my content with others?

You can share content with other PasteIt users. In the text sharing interface, enter the text you want to share and click share to generate a sharing code. Other users can access your shared content using this code. The sharing code is valid for 1 hour.

14. Can I use PasteIt offline?

You can view your synced content offline, but you need an internet connection to sync new content or changes.

15. How do you handle data protection regulations like GDPR?

We are fully compliant with GDPR and other data protection regulations. You can request a copy of your data or ask for it to be deleted at any time. For more details, please see our Privacy Policy.

16. How can I get help if I have a problem?

You can reach our support team at [email protected]. You can also contact us on Twitter.

17. How many devices can I use with one account?

Free accounts can use up to 3 devices. Premium accounts can use unlimited devices.

18. Is PasteIt suitable for work environments? Do you have an enterprise version?

PasteIt can be used in work environments, with encrypted data transfer for security and reliability. There is currently no enterprise version available.

Contact Information

If you have any other questions, please contact us at: [email protected]